On Tuesday, we facilitated an engaging English class with the older boys at the Remand, centered on the use of adverbs, specifically focusing on their application in manner, time, and place. The prima…
Remand Home
English Class “Leisure Activity Assessment”
On Friday, we held an English lesson with the older boys at the Remand home, focusing on leisure activities. The session included an assessment to evaluate their grammar skills and the practical use o…
“Levels of Heart” Life Skills @ Remand Home
The main goal of this life skills class was to explore the “Levels of the Heart,” a concept inspired by Ock Soo Park’s writings. This was designed to help students understand how human emotions and de…
English Class “Hot Seat” @ Remand Home
The Hot Seat session was organized to encourage participants to openly share thoughts, ideas, and address any questions or misconceptions in an interactive format. “Hot Seat” is designed to help indiv…
Life Skills Session on “Mindset” @ Remand Home
The main purpose of this meeting was to help the kids with their mindset. Often, people find it difficult to think clearly because they are holding onto things that cannot be changed. This session aim…
Tuesday For Fun @ Remand Home
Today’s activity was playing different games that the kids enjoyed a lot. It was their request to have an outdoor activity today, being a Tuesday. They enjoyed the games we organized so much. We organ…
Life Skills “Being The Best Version of Yourself” @ Remand Home
We discussed “Being the Best Version of Yourself,” aiming to help the boys understand the concept of self and the importance of staying true to their values, interests, and passions. We emphasized the…
Life Skills “Politics” @ Remand Home
In this lesson, Jake introduced the topic of “politics” to the boys, covering things such as what politics is, why it is important, how to think about politics, and political participation. Ruth provi…
Life Skills Session on “Sportsmanship” @ Remand Home
Explained the benefits of playing sports in life, the importance of sportsmanship, popular sports, and the variety of sports. After the lesson, the kids were taken outside to play a variety of differe…
English Class “Daily Routines” with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
The topic of discussion was daily routine. The purpose of the class was to enlighten the students on the importance of having a daily routine, how to come up with it, and key elements to consider when…
Life Skills Lesson on “Truth” @ Remand Home
Discussed the concept of “truth” with the children in class, then we did an outdoor activity for fun and to symbolize the importance of telling the truth….
Circle Training with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
After a brief explanation of what we had planned to do in class, we went outside and started with a quick warm-up by doing some stretches. That activity was followed by a circuit training consisting o…
English Class “Hospital Things” @ Remand Home
Jake taught a lesson about hospitals based on a sheet of paper that Vivian and I had designed. The paper contained a hospital, ambulance, doctor, x-ray, pharmacist, medicine, and bandage (graphic and …
English Class “Simple Past” with Older Boys @ Remand Home
After the last class on regular verbs in the simple past, this time we shifted our focus to irregular verbs. The lesson began with a quick recap of our previous work, followed by a worksheet on irregu…
Solving English Puzzles @ Remand Home
This is to help the children improve on how to identify English words from a group of different letters and also to learn how to form English words from scattered letters….
English Class with Older Boys @ Remand Home
The topic of this English class was the simple past tense. We introduced this topic to the students by explaining how and when to use it correctly. After this, we collected different verbs on the boar…
Stretching Class with the Older Boys @ Remand Home
The class started with a theoretical part on the importance of stretching before doing sports, led by Tess and Catharina. It was followed by a practical part consisting of a full-body stretching and s…
Life Skills Lesson on “Fear” @ Remand Home
The main purpose of the meeting was to teach the children how to overcome their fears and how they can always work their way around it. Fear is a barrier to many things in the lives of these children….
English Class with the Younger Boys @ Remand Home
We began the class by introducing the new topic “simple past.” Then we explained when and how to use this tense. After that, we did an exercise together with the kids. We finished the lesson a bit ear…
Life Skills “Wounds of the Heart” @ Remand Home
This was meant to teach the children how to handle the problems they face in their day-to-day life. It’s always important to address the challenges we encounter because they can affect us emotionally….
English Class “Nouns and Types of Nouns” @ Remand Home
The purpose of this English class was to make the learners familiar with nouns and the different types of nouns. This is just to help them become fluent speakers of English and enable them to express …
Life Skills on “Principles, Power and Triumph” @ Remand Home
This was just to give the children an understanding of principles, power, and triumph. It is important for someone to have their principles in life in order to create some standards for oneself. When …
English Class with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
In our recent English classes at the remand home, we focused on the topic of phrasal verbs to help the boys improve their ability to create and understand these expressions. The session was designed t…
“Be a Champion” Life Skills Session @ Remand Home
Yesterday, we had an enriching life skills talk with the boys at the remand center, centered around the concept of “Championship.” Together, we explored what it means to be a champion, discussing the …
English Class with the Younger Boys @ Remand Home
We started the class by reviewing the present continuous tense. We explained how this tense is formed and when it is used, providing signal words such as “at the moment,” “now,” and “next weekend.” Af…
English Class with Younger Boys @ Remand Home
We started by reviewing the simple present tense. We went over when to use it, how to form it, and the negative form. Then, we introduced the present continuous tense, explaining when to use it and th…
Case Conference @ Remand Home
Recently, a case conference was held at the remand facility, bringing together a diverse group of partners to discuss and review the ongoing cases they are handling. The main goal of this meeting was …
Self-Care Routine @ Remand Home
The dedicated topic of discussion was self-care routines among young people, with a particular focus on both physical and mental self-care. The session aimed to address the common tendency to prioriti…
English Class “He/She/It” with the Younger Boys @ Remand Home
Today, we taught the younger boys and girls how to use the present simple tense correctly. We focused on the fact that you have to add an “s” when you use he/she/it. We also explained how to create a …
English Class “Grammar” w. Older Boys @ Remand Home
We started the class by showing the corrections to the students. We explained the meanings of different words. After that, we began explaining the zero and first conditionals to the students. We taugh…
English Class “Crosswords” with the Young Ones @ Remand Home
Today, we taught the students how to do a crossword puzzle. We started off with a simpler one about words in the past tense. After the students finished, we explained one-on-one how they had to do the…
Life Skill & Outdoor Activity @ Remand Home
Life Skills class: first-aid class about injury and infection. With images and drawings, we explained the different layers of the skin, how to clean a superficial and deep wound, and the different ste…
English Class (Older Boys) @ Remand Home
First, we corrected the exercises that were done last Friday (in the previous lesson). After that, we handed out two exercises: one about synonyms and one about opposites. The students completed these…
Reintegration of William (Remand Home Case)
After Spending more than 9 months at the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home. It was time to reunite William* with his family. The intention was to take William to his mother’s new residence and facilitate …
English Class with Older Boys @ Remand Home
First, we started with a grammar exercise. Anna explained the comparative and the superlative to the class. After this, they started the exercise. When the students finished, they got a vocabulary exe…
English Class with Younger Boys @ Remand Home
We started the lesson by introducing the new topic to the class, which was homophones. We gave the students different examples of homophones, and they tried to explain the meaning of each word in Engl…
Spelling Made Easy- Younger Boys and Girls @ Remand Home
Teaching English spelling and word puzzles to younger boys involves starting with the basics. We start by teaching them how words are put together and how to spell them correctly, which helps them und…
English Class A2 Reading – Older Boys @ Remand Home
We started off the class with a comprehension and reading exercise at an A2 level. Everyone read a few sentences out loud, then they had a few minutes to complete the exercises regarding the text. Aft…
Life Skills: First Aid Lesson “Choking” and Outdoor Sports @ Remand Home
We divided the students into two groups so that each student could attend both the first aid lesson and outdoor activities. The first aid lesson focused on choking. We began by explaining the situatio…
English Class “Tenses” With The Younger Children @ Remand Home
In the last class, the students enjoyed the word puzzle as it helped them jog their minds before the class, and they requested to have word puzzles in every class before starting the actual lesson. We…
English Class “Preposition” with the Small Boys and Girls @ Remand Home
The class started with us, the facilitators, explaining what prepositions are and providing examples to the class (e.g. in, on, under, behind). We then proceeded to do a preposition hunt, taking the b…
English Class “Prepositions” with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
In the recent English classes, we have been building on a curriculum where the boys can progressively follow and understand the topics of study. Usually, the previous topics handled inform the next to…
English Class “Verbs” with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
The facilitator started the class by introducing a new topic to the students. We discussed the different types of verbs in English grammar. First, the facilitator explained the “action” verbs to the s…
Life Skill Lesson @ Remand Home
We had a life skills lesson with all the kids combined. The topic of discussion was mindset. Before we introduced it, we reviewed what we had learned the previous Wednesday, as it had some correlation…
English Class “Clauses” with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
We started the lesson by writing an examination about the previous topic, which included the knowledge about using idioms correctly. After finishing the exams, we went over to the topic “Independent a…
Hospital Vocabulary @ Remand Home
Had an English session with the young kids. We discussed hospitals and their vocabulary, and I provided them with many hospital-related words. We also translated the words into Swahili to help them un…
English Class with big boys “Idioms” @ Remand Home
Today’s topic of discussion was Idioms, which are used figuratively in a sentence to convey a new meaning. The purpose of the class was to educate students on the use of vocabulary to enhance their En…
Mind Education @ Remand Home
We had a life skills lesson with the older kids, organized them for the class, and then started the session. We gave a brief introduction to what Better Me as an organization does and the kind of ment…
English Class “Question Tags” with the Big Boys @ Remand Home
The purpose of the English class on question tags was to enhance students’ understanding and usage of this grammatical structure in English conversation. By mastering question tags, students would be …
English Class on “Plural” @ Remand Home
The class started with some stretching to make everyone alert. Then it proceeded with an explanation on the board, first about regular plural form and then about the irregular plural form, which was t…
Life Skills Lesson on “How to be a good friend” @ Remand Home
Today, the life skills lesson focused on “how to be a good friend.” The lesson began by reviewing what was covered last week, as last week’s activities laid the groundwork for today’s class. A discuss…
English Class on “Listening Comprehension” @ Remand Home
The lesson started with a game of Simon Says to engage the children. The topic of the lesson was listening comprehension, where the assignment was to answer questions after listening to a book being r…
Sport for Wellness Easter Edition @ Remand Home
The engagement was a platform for showing how children within statutory institutions can be responsible in terms of behavior and how they can deal with social issues they are facing in the community. …
English Class on “How to Write a Letter” @ Remand Home
The lesson started with a warm-up game where the students had to arrange themselves in order of height from tallest to shortest without talking. Then the lesson proceeded with a lecture on how to writ…
English Lesson “Future Tense” with Younger Kids @ Remand Home
I started the lesson by introducing two kinds of future tenses. I explained how the will-future and going to-future work and we made example sentences for each….
Life Skills Lesson on Peer Pressure @ Remand Home
We started the lesson by introducing the topic of peer pressure to them. We discussed different types of peers and both positive and negative peer pressure. At the end, we engaged in a discussion abou…
English Class “Simple Past” for Younger Class @ Remand Home
Today, we started the lesson with the game ‘Simon Says.’ Following that, we conducted a brief review of the last two lessons. Subsequently, we delved into the topic of the Simple Past tense and discus…
Jihimarishe Festival @ Remand Home
The day was filled with a series of events, starting with a career class aimed at exposing the minors to careers they may not have imagined. They had the opportunity to learn about careers that align …
“Simple Past” English Lesson with Younger Kids @ Remand Home
First, we reviewed the last two lessons focusing on subject-verb agreement with “He/She/It” and the use of “Has/Have.” Following that, we discussed the simple past tense….
Life Skills Lesson on Feelings @ Remand Home
At the beginning, we played a game by rolling the dice and answering one of six questions we had written on the board. Following this, we engaged in a discussion about feelings and how to handle them …
English Class on Future Tense @ Remand Home
The class was taught how to use the future tense in English. Initially, a thorough explanation was provided on the board, collectively discussing the usage of “will,” “will not,” and “going to” in com…
English Lesson “Have/ Has” with Younger Kids @ Remand Home
We began the session with a short game involving a ball to energize everyone, during which we asked some questions. Following this, we proceeded with explanations about when to use “have” or “has.” To…
English Lesson “He/She/It the „s“ must fit” @ Remand Home
In our English lesson at the Remand Home we talked about He/She/It the „s“ must fit….
Vision and Goal Setting @ Remand Home
The activity was held to help the kids know their goals, desires, and their visions for the future. We introduced the lesson to the kids by defining what goals and vision meant. We gave examples in ea…
“Rugby Roar” English Lesson @ The Remand Home
This week, we began Chapter Two of “Rugby Roar” with the older class at the Remand Home. We kicked off with a game, followed by a review of both old and new vocabulary. Then, we read through the first…
English Lesson “Fruits” with the Younger Kids @ The Remand Home
We began the lesson with a round of introductions and a game. Following that, we collected names of English fruits with the kids and constructed sentences using them. Afterwards, they were given a tas…
Effective Communication Skills Lesson @ The Remand Home
Today, we had a YUMP session at the Remand home. Spencer and Zoey facilitated a lesson on effective communication, specifically in heightened emotional states. They facilitated this lesson with the ol…
Rugby Roar English Class @ Remand Home
We used the unknown words from last weeks reading of Rugby Roar, to facilitate more English teaching. We played fishbowl, talked about the words, and completed written sentences. …
Emotional Painting @ Remand Home
The children were asked to describe the feelings they had at that moment and paint them with watercolor….
Lesson on Language Comprehension @ Remand Home
We met with the older kids in the Remand Home and led an English lesson working on listening comprehension skills using charades, a short story, and then sentences. …
Life skills “Taking Responsibility” @ Remand Home
During this talk,we delved into the vital concept of responsibility and its significance in shaping teenagers as valuable members of society. We explored the essence of being accountable individuals, …
English with Older Students @ Remand Home
We taught 15 words from a chapter book we are going to be reading using charades, discussions, and worksheets. …
“Topical Review” English Class @ Remand Home
We had a class with the little kids, reviewing two topics that we had taught earlier. This was done to check whether the kids could recall what they had been taught. It was really necessary for the ki…
Kisumu Children Remand Home Partners Strategy & Review Meeting
The Partners Strategy Meeting served as a collaborative platform for all partners working with the Kisumu Children Remand Home. The primary objective was to submit progress reports, share updates on o…
Translating Swahili to English @ Remand Home
We continue the successful work that has started the past weeks. This report covers two activities of the same kind as part of a string (Tue, 30.01. / Fri, 02.02.). Like the past weeks, it is still a …
English Class @ Remand Home
We worked with worksheets to facilitate the development of speaking in the English language, and then worked on translating words from Kiswahili to english while looking at grammatical tenses….
Translating Swahili to English @ Remand Home
We continue the successful work that has started the past weeks. This report covers two activities of the same kind as part of a string (Tue, 23.02. / Fri, 26.02., each from 10 am to 12 pm).
It turne…
Self-Confidence Lesson @ Remand Home
Self-confidence is such a grounding aspect of the self. It is the root that anchors our self worth, self esteem and our ability to express ourselves fearlessly and authentically. In our session, we hi…
Open Session @ Remand Home
This open session was intended to encourage children to draw. They got inspirations by volunteers who provided examples of drawings that can express emotions or thoughts dominating the children’s curr…
Translating Swahili to English @ Remand Home
The purpose of this activity was to introduce a different way of teaching by using Swahili language in addition to pictures. Students did have to name the English term based on either the image or Swa…
Life skills on Emotions @ Remand Home
It was a great chance to talk about emotions with kids. We prepared a sheet for everyone. The sheet shows different pictures of emotions and talk about those. Kids and volunteers talked about their ow…
Year End Recap @ Remand Home
The purpose of the year-end open review was to evaluate the program’s impact on the boys and girls at the Remand Home, assess their feedback, and identify areas for improvement and growth for the upco…
English Class @ Remand Home
Different English class topics with follow up exams….
English Class “Use of Apostrophe” @ Remand Home
The purpose of the activity was to introduce and teach the concept of shortening words or statements using apostrophes, engaging students in practical, hands-on exercises that reinforce learning throu…
The Life Tree Concept @ Remand Home
The concept of the life tree aims to shed light on uncomfortable emotions. Similar to the roots of a tree, these emotions provide depth, and we can use the experiences gained from them to improve how …
Chapati Festival at the Kisumu Children Remand Home
We had an eventful day, having an opportunity with the children at the remand home. It was a timely and long awaited moment to share knowledge, fun, food and other activities.
The day began very earl…
English Class “Dictation” @ Remand Home
The purpose of the exercise was to assess and improve the spelling skills of kids through a dictation exercise, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment for students to enhance their sp…
Open Life Skills Session at the Remand Home
We had an open discussion about the common challenges young people are facing in the community, especially the boys. This was a personal question and everyone had an opportunity to express himself.
English Class “Translation from Swahili” @ Remand Home
The class activity for this day was meant to test the kid’s knowledge and understanding on tenses and translation.
Some kids tend to know some words in Swahili language but not able to translate the s…
Life Skills + Kitchen Garden @ Remand Home
The session’s topic was the non-verbal communication….
English Class “Irregular Forms” @ Remand Home
Tuesday’s English class focused on regular and irregular forms of the simple past tense….
Football Session at the Remand Home
We had a football session in which we practiced the passing skills And the reaction time.
English Class – Practicing Irregular Verbs @ Kisumu Children Remand Home
Our aim for this class was to focus on two different aspects.
1. Teach the children the present and past form of irregular verbs and how to build sentences with them.
2. Expand Vocabulary of the child…
Diversity and Empathy – Life Skill Session @ Kisumu Children Remand Home
Our purpose was to sensitize the children to the topic of diversity, aiming to enhance their ability to tolerate and understand people who are, or may seem, different from themselves. When discussing …
English Class “Reading Skills” @ Remand Home
Our aim was helping the children to improve their reading skills as well as improving their knowledge on the different tenses….
Nyalenda Young Stars vs. Remand Home – Friendly Football Match
We organized a friendly game between two of our beneficiaries, the teams of the Remand Home and Nyalenda Youngstars.
Talentshow @ Kisumu Children Remand Home
Our purpose to facilitate the talent show at the Remand Home was to give the children a chance to perform and express their talents. Our aim was to plan a day that lightens up their moods and empowers…
Life Skill Session “Diversity” @ Remand Home
The purpose of the session was to discuss identity and diversity with the younger boys, making them aware of the different nuances of the topic….
English Class “Reading and Text Comprehension” @ Remand Home
In today’s English class, our aim was to support the reading and text comprehension abilities of the children. Therefore, we focused on teaching new vocabulary and pronunciation that the children enco…
JIHIMARISHE Festival (Funday!) @ Kisumu Children Remand Home
The purpose of the activity was to offers the children in the Remand Home, whos everyday life partly gets hit from resignation and depression regarding their lack of freedom, a day of FUN, DANCE, GAME…