Reintegration of William (Remand Home Case)

Activity Report

Location: Other
Activity Date: 21.05.2024
Start Time: 7:00 AM   End Time: 4:30 PM

Facilitators: Thomas Ogalo, Kelvin Otieno Opondo, Samambo Johannes Ingosi
Number of Participants: 6
Male: 4   Female: 2

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
After Spending more than 9 months at the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home. It was time to reunite William* with his family. The intention was to take William to his mother’s new residence and facilitate a discussion that would see him reunited with his mom.

*Name changed to protect the child’s privacy.

Personnel Input:
After many months of counseling at the Remand Home, the case workers had deemed that it was time for William to go home. There have been several follow-ups conducted by our social work team in consultation with the children’s department both in Kisumu and Siaya Counties. We set out to assess the home situation and make a decision on whether he should stay with his mother.

Successfully integrated William back with his mom.

Unanticipated Achievements:
When we left Kisumu, we had not expected that we will take him to meet the mother and leave him in her custody on the same day.

Supporting Partners:
Kisumu Children’s Remand Home
Siaya County Children’s Department

May 21, 2024

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