English Class “Simple Past” for Younger Class @ Remand Home

Activity Report

Location: Remand Home
Activity Date: 19.03.2024
Start Time: 10:00 AM   End Time: 12:00 PM

Facilitators: Freja Schuldt, Katrin Aigner
Number of Participants: 18
Male: 13   Female: 5

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
Today, we started the lesson with the game ‘Simon Says.’ Following that, we conducted a brief review of the last two lessons. Subsequently, we delved into the topic of the Simple Past tense and discussed special vocabulary words.

Personnel Input:
Together with an Translator we talked about the grammar of the simple past and gave them a few examples. Afterwards they had to do some exercises about this topic on their own.

The kids now know how to use the simple past in the correct way and can construct sentences correctly about the past.

Unanticipated Achievements:
Some of the kids already learned about the simple past in another school.

Supporting Partners:

March 19, 2024

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