Life-skills Session “Studying” @ Shauri Moyo Primary

Activity Report

Location: Shauri Moyo
Activity Date: 30.08.2023
Start Time: 2:30 PM   End Time: 5:00 PM

Facilitators: Samantha, Jula, Paul, Anna-Lena, Sophia, Jessica
Number of Participants: 180
Male: 60   Female: 60

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
Life skill lesson about studying.
Study Methods, Types of studying, Time Management and Tips for Studying.

Personnel Input:
The team facilitated the entire session.

– Understanding the basis of studying (sleep, rest, diet, movement)
– Get to know different study types (visual, audithory, read/write,
kinaesthetic) and which types the kids are
– Learning different study methods (mindmaps, colour-coding, flash
cards, etc.)

Unanticipated Achievements:
– The kids gave good input themselves
– They still remember core statements after the lesson

Supporting Partners:
Jijenge Youth initiative

August 30, 2023

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