Holiday Swimming Lesson @ Korando

Activity Report

Location: Korando Educational Center
Activity Date: 09.07.2024
Start Time: 3:00 PM   End Time: 4:00 PM

Facilitators: Jake Barton, Jule Schlageter, Catherina Bent
Number of Participants: 24
Male: 12   Female: 12

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
Continue to develop the children’s swimming skills, provide physical activity, and have fun.

Personnel Input:
The children were split into two groups based on height and divided between the shallow pool and the deep pool. Jake and Catherina led the floating exercises with the children, supporting their lower back and guiding them across the pool. These activities were also done with partners. The children also practiced kicking their legs to swim forward with partners. After the formal lesson, the children had free time, with most of them playing a game of pool volleyball.

Jule taught the taller kids, and they also practiced the floating drills and kickbacks. Additionally, the taller kids did exercises with pool noodles to practice maintaining tension in their body when swimming. During the free time, the taller children played volleyball against the shorter children.

Many of the younger children are developing their kicking skills quite well and are maintaining straight legs while doing so.

Unanticipated Achievements:
The children seemed to enjoy volleyball and were learning to work as a team rather than competing for the ball.

Supporting Partners:
Koranda Education Centre and Summerset Garden Resort

July 9, 2024

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