Life Skills Session on “Sportsmanship” @ Remand Home

Activity Report

Location: Remand Home
Activity Date: 17.07.2024
Start Time: 10:00 AM   End Time: 12:00 PM

Facilitators: Jake Barton and Vivian Anyango
Number of Participants: 31
Male: 27   Female: 4

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
Explained the benefits of playing sports in life, the importance of sportsmanship, popular sports, and the variety of sports. After the lesson, the kids were taken outside to play a variety of different sports.

Personnel Input:
Jake led the session, first explaining that sports teach/give you:
Discipline; Teamwork; Emotional control; Time management; How to handle pressure; Goals; Body language; Leadership; Community; Fitness.
Then Jake discussed sportsmanship, tying everything together and explaining how by showing sportsmanship in all aspects of our lives we will be better people in a better world. Jake then discussed how many sports there are (32 in the Paris Olympics, 200 governed by international organizations, and over 8000 indigenous sports) and how sports can be played anywhere because different sports require different things, so no matter where you find yourself you can play sports. During this lesson, Jake would pause after each new idea and allow Vivian to translate it if any clarification was needed.

Finally, the kids were brought outside and divided into three groups. Three sports stations were set up: long jump, football, and free play with baseballs. Every 10 minutes the groups would rotate so each child got to experience each sport.

I think this was a fantastic session and my best life-skills lesson so far. The children seemed to really enjoy the lesson, especially when we went outside afterwards. We also took steps to ensure total comprehension. For instance, Vivian translated, and Jake underlined words that might be new to the students, providing simple definitions for them at the bottom of the handout.

Unanticipated Achievements:
After Jake’s presentation, Masahiro asked if he could explain the Japanese philosophy behind sports (mind, skill, body — or shin, gi, tai). This was a welcome addition that was both simple and interesting!

Supporting Partners:

July 17, 2024

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