Household Economic Strengthening in Kisumu

Over the last couple of years, Better Me has been supporting the provision of basic education for children at the Madoma Korando Children’s Learning Centre. This has gone a long way in improving the livelihoods of the children. We further aim to empower their parents and guardians back home through new partnerships with organizations that can help incorporate them in activities to improve the livelihoods of the children when they are not in school.

The Armstrong Woman Center works with women in the community in a rural part of Kisumu. The women are taught practical skills that help them improve their livelihoods and those of their children by engaging in Basket making, weaving of door mats, making of peanut butter, solar cooking methods and modern farming techniques. By selling these products they are able to face daily struggles like paying school fees for their children, buying food or clothing.

On our recent visit, the group was involved in adopting a new agricultural technique that helps to grow vegetables for a period of six months, while only adding water once! It is a very innovative idea to help improve the quality of life for the women. The produce they get from the farm will feed them and they can also sell it. Our amazing volunteers had the opportunity to help the women working the land and planting the seeds.

The group has created a farm that many people can visit and learn from. Now we are aiming to pass on this knowledge to the caregivers of the children at the centre. They will be trained on this particular modern farming technique, to also improve their livelihood. In the long run this will enable them to feed their children with nutritious food and if there is something left, they could also sell it to meet other household needs.

February 17, 2020

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