Swimming Lesson with Grade 4 “Water Confidence” @ Korando

Activity Report

Location: Korando Educational Center
Activity Date: 07.06.2024
Start Time: 2:40 PM   End Time: 4:40 PM

Facilitators: Laura Ridderbusch, Lucy Gschwendtner, Jule Schlageter.
Number of Participants: 28
Male: 18   Female: 10

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
We met with the whole class at the Korando educational center and then we walked to the swimming pool. Everyone changed into appropriate swimwear, and then we divided the class into two groups. Lucy supervised the beginners, and Jule taught the advanced swimmers. The first lesson was about building water confidence, so we tried different exercises with the kids to achieve this goal. At the end of the session, the students had time to play all together in the big pool.

Personnel Input:
Learning “water confidence” is one of the most important aspects of swimming. To achieve this, we began the class with a floating exercise. The students partnered up and one person lay on their back with arms and legs closed, while the other person held them up with one hand under their back. Once the students were able to float at the surface, we taught them how to do kickbacks. They held onto the edge of the pool and practiced moving their legs, with the facilitator providing corrections as needed. Additionally, the kids learned how to dive, which is crucial for reducing fear of water. At the end of the lesson, everyone was allowed to play together in the big pool.

At the end of the session, most of the students were able to build good water confidence. They gained an understanding of swimming and floating in the water. Additionally, they helped each other a lot to improve their techniques, and it was great to see everyone being really careful while playing in the water. Furthermore, all of the students are looking forward to the next swimming class.

Unanticipated Achievements:
It was the first time in the water for many of the kids, and they listened very carefully, following the facilitator’s instructions. When it got crowded in the water, some of them even helped the teacher to discipline the group. No one feared the water, and everyone was eager to learn. The advanced group, in particular, was really talented; everyone could float on the surface right away. They only need one more lesson to learn how to swim on their backs independently.

Supporting Partners:
Korando Educational Center

June 7, 2024

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