Football Donation & Community Engagement @ Kisian Rangers Football Club

Activity Report

Location: Kisian Sec Sch
Activity Date: 21.05.2024
Start Time: 4:00 PM   End Time: 5:00 PM

Facilitators: Samambo, Kelvin
Number of Participants: 60
Male: 60   Female: 0

Activity Purpose/ Summary:
In response to working together with the community football clubs, we formed a bond with Kisian Rangers football club to support them with necessary skills, especially when we have volunteers who can facilitate football training. Twice we have had sessions in the past and given donations of uniforms and balls.

Personnel Input:
Facilitated between Better Me and the NFL, who purchased balls, cones, and training attire for the football club.

We are thrilled to collaborate with the community football club and to be recognized as strong supporters of local talent and the community.

Unanticipated Achievements:
The influence and impact we have already made within the community.

Supporting Partners:
NFL Germany.

May 21, 2024

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