It didn’t seem real to me at first, I got in an insane routine for...
Cheap Trip BIG Impact
Day 37 | $3,243 | The rules we learn in Tanzanian buses
After our first night in Tanzania, we woke up with the sun to take a...
Day 36 | $3,309 | Our first days in Tanzania
MBEYA, Tanzania. We finally left Mayoka Village in Nkatha Bay, it...
Day 34 | $3,256 | A lesson about Perceived Value
NKATHA BAY, Malawi. We are now in Nkatha Bay. It has been too long...
Day 25 | $3,321 | My worst day in Africa (so far)
MONKEY BAY, MALAWI. Every 4th of every months, for the rest of the...
Day 18 | $3,250 | A visit at Lion Encounter
We got invited by Lion Encounter to visit their project and get a...
Day 16 | $3,234 | A Sunday at school in Livingstone
Today is Sunday. With our Spanish friends from Kubuka NGO, we went...
Day 13 | $3,214 | Welcome back to Zambia
Where to start. After we spent our last night in this superb place...
Day 10 | $3,132 | Vic falls, the best possible Good Bye!
Together with our British friends who drove us all the way from...
Day 9 | $3,188 | Victoria Falls! Policeman, Thunderstorm and Wildlife.
We got a ride from Bulawayo to the Victoria Falls with our British...
Day 6 | $3,146 | Pizza Party for the Orphans!
BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe. We met two British girls, Alex and Claire, who...
Day 5 | $3,149 | Bulawayo, I had the wrong idea
BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe. It's the very first time that our funds are...
Day 3 | $2,937 | Overnight crossing from SA to Zimbabwe
BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe. Time to leave South Africa. It has been short...
Day 2 | $2,990 | Our first supportive accommodation!
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. We asked our first backpacker for...
Day 0 | $3,000 | How the idea came up!
A New Beginning... This is the origin story of Cheap Impact, which...