Our Partners

Unleash Children & Youth via Partners

We work closely with and assist in the educational practices and needs of the nursery and primary school Korando Educational Center.

Furthermore, we partner with and strengthen other grassroots organizations to reach and assist an even larger part of the Kisumu community.

We support our partners with:

  • Capacity Building such as trainings, workshops and seminars.
  • Networking opportunities.
  • Human, financial and technical resources.

Some of our partners:

  • Homeless of Kisumu
  • Armstrong Woman Empowerment
  • Dewo Ngima
  • Jijenge Youth
  • Background Angels
  • Fablabs Winam
  • LakeHub

In 2020 we became the main founding partner of Homeless of Kisumu. The project works with various interest groups in Kisumu to support street children and homeless people in a dignified manner. Together we offer psycho-social support, free meals, medical care, sports, music, art, and economic empowerment activities. Better Me supports HoK financially and, most importantly, technically through our team of social workers. In 2021, Homeless of Kisumu has become an independent organization.

In 2020 we partnered with Armstrong Women Empowerment Centre. Armstrong is active in the informal settlements around Kisumu. The organization is run by the residents of the settlements on a voluntary basis and works together with the women and girls in the community to improve their situation together. We support Armstrong with a girls mentorship program and economic empowerment activities.

In 2017 we partnered with Dewo Ngima, who is actively supporting vulnerable children and their families in the Kisumu slums. We support Dewo Ngima in maintaining their mobile library, which mainly enables school dropouts to continue to learn independently. We also provide bursaries to beneficiaries of Dewo Ngima and currently enable 8 students to go to school. In 2021, three of them have successfully completed primary school. One of the graduates achieved such excellent academic results that he was called to a national high-school – Kisumu Boys High School.

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